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Updated: 2024-04-24 10:35:47

International Student Cap - March 28 Announcement

Late last evening we received a letter from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) outlining Fleming’s final permit and application allocations for 2024/25, for international students.

The Ministry has presented us with a great deal of information and data that they used in their allocation decision making process. We now need to scrutinize, clarify and understand all numbers presented to us, and determine the impact on Fleming.

Once we understand the impact, as well as the implications for those programs that are a priority for both levels of government, we will begin to formulate a plan to address our new reality as it relates to a lower international enrolment and the loss of our revenue from our private partner. We plan to have a better understanding in April.

I will communicate more details, as they are known.

Maureen Adamson,
President, Fleming College

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